A Year to Seek, Ask, and Knock

What is it about beginnings? They do something to us, don’t they. Starting a new book, the onset of a new semester, training for a new role. Starting stirs a sense of excitement and possibility that can be challenging to find when you’re in the middle. The New Year is a yearly reset that’s intentionally planned into our calendar that ushers in reflection and forward-looking.

There are times when I look outside and I’ll say something like, “God, You could have done everything else and not made the way mornings smell and You would be absolutely amazing, but You also made mornings smell the way they do. Thank You” A seemingly unnecessary thing, but part of His creation that makes it even more awe-inspiring.

The feeling we get at beginnings isn’t a happen chance thing, it’s part of the intended way – the created way. We see it just 14 verses into the Biblical narrative. “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,” (Genesis 1:14). Later in the Gospels Jesus says, “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near” (Matthew 24:32).

Days and seasons and years are essential to the functionality of creation. This time of year, we find ourselves at a crossroads – reflecting on what’s coming to an end and looking forward to the newness of what’s ahead. My intention is not for this to turn into a “New Year’s resolution how-to post,” but rather to encourage a sense of reflection and to challenge you towards stepping into a practice of deeper pursuit of the Lord this next year.

New Year’s resolutions, to me, are like starting a new book. You get so fired up about them for the first week, then… not so much.  It’s why gyms do so well in January. People say this is the year they’re going to make a change. And they do for eight days, but then they revert back. This doesn’t have to be our story, friend.

If you’ve spent much time at all here at Life Roots, you’ll know the importance of making any change starts by having an honest sense of where you’re currently at. The end of the year is a great time to take some extra, pointed time to put words to where your feet are.

From that place, you’ll be prepared to write out your goals if you so choose. Where I want to land the plane is around a broader sense of continuing – with a reminder. Friend, you are oh so loved. In the same way days and seasons and years are a part of the intended way, so is walking with God. And let me tell you, He doesn’t take any time off.

Jesus’ words from His Sermon on the Mount are these, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). He is ready to meet you exactly where you are, however you are.

So, maybe this next year going to the gym would be good, or reading more would be helpful, that’s for you to decide. But deeper than that, what would it look like if at the end of the year you were able to say, “I sought after God this year. For the first time I truly knocked, and He actually answered. I was honest before Him with my requests, and I saw His provision.”

Friend, we are loved by a faithful God. These words in Matthew aren’t just nice proverb to live by, they are a promise straight from the mouth of God to you. My prayer over this community is that we would live a year covered by a posture set on seeking after God. Oh, would a year from now be filled with the testimonies of God’s faithfulness. Would 2024 be a year of seeking and asking and knocking.


The Beginning of Knowledge


A Gift to Bring