The Pursuing Provider

Can you think back to when you were a kid and your parents gave you the perfect gift for Christmas, the one you’d spent months asking for? Maybe it’s the mentor who took time out of his or her day to listen to you and provide the perfect feedback. There’s something about being thoughtfully provided for that portrays a sense of being deeply pursued.

God’s character is like this. If you’ve spent much time around Life Roots, you’ll be familiar with the topic of trials producing character and revealing what we actually believe. See, trials are tough cookies because nobody wants to walk through them, but the potential for lasting fruit is incredible.

A key ingredient into who God is and what He’s like is that He is faithful and He can never go against His Word. Here’s a few verses to chew on: “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23). “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

Matthew 6:33 is an ever-abounding promise, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). In these three verses we learn so much. God is faithful, He never changes, and when we are seeking His kingdom above all, He will provide for our needs.

Friend, this isn’t something that was true a few weeks ago and then God woke up and decided to change His mind. No, this is true always. In Matthew 6, the phrase “all these things” is referring to food, shelter, clothing – our basic needs.

We live in a broken world where there is disparity of wealth, there is hunger, there are natural disasters – life can be really hard. Having that been said, something happens in our heart when we fix ourselves on the Kingdom of God. God promises to meet our needs.

Walking with an awareness of God’s provision is a daily task. The following verse in Matthew 6 says, “do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.” (Matthew 6:34). What’s the principle here? When we practice fixing ourselves on God today, we will see His provision for today.

The beauty is that following God is not like winning the lottery. Where you buy one ticket, and never have to work again in your life. No, God is after our hearts and our hearts are designed to depend. When we live in a way that’s looking for God’s daily provisions, we are practicing and deepening our dependency on God.

It’s like Israel in the wilderness after they’ve escaped slavery in Egypt. The congregation is wandering and hungry and God responds this way, “I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day,” (Exodus 16:4). God was providing their daily bread. If they took more than they needed for a single day, the bread would spoil.

God was teaching them dependency. While providing for their needs, He was doing something deeper – He was pursuing His people. He was showing them that He is able and willing to take care of them. He pursued the Israelites by way of provision.

Friend, if God does not change, then He’s after the same thing in you and I today. We’re told not to be anxious about anything, but pray about everything (Philippians 4). What is it that you actually need? Ask Him, today. It’s God’s desire that you would walk with Him. Our trials reveal our need for a power greater than ourselves. We are so not in control. Seek the Lord and He is faithful to provide, and remember His provision is a means to Him pursuing your heart.


His View of You


Higher Ways