When You Walk Into the Room

There’s something about an impactful song that can timestamp memories. I visited a new church over the weekend and heard a worship song that has prompted both a revisit to some amazing memories as well as a charge to live with a renewed sense that God is still moving.

Where do you stand on the idea of God “walking” into a room? Do you believe His Presence still moves with power today, that the Spirit is just as alive as ever? The song that came up in worship was “When You Walk Into the Room” by Bryan and Katie Torwalt.

This song is beautiful because it paints the picture of 1 John 1:5, “God is light, in Him there is no darkness.” The first line of the song says it all, “When You walk into the room, everything changes. Darkness starts to tremble at the light that You bring.” 

There was a season in my life where I began to expect this encounter and power from the Lord to be a part of my daily experience. I was running with a community that believed the same and we saw God work in powerful ways – in healings, in bringing freedom, in encountering the individual. The peace I experienced is beyond words. It’s a peace in line with Paul’s description, “And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Memories came flooding back during the melody. That brought a smile that got close to touching my ears. It was then that I began to realize, I don’t live expecting God to move like this now. That indescribable peace has been elusive and untethered from my heart as well.

Have you gone through seasons like this? Times when you’re so full of expectation that God is going to move, then He does – only to later find yourself down the road wondering if that still happens. Oh friend, we are so quick to forget. We forget where we put our keys, what we did over the weekend, and if we aren’t practiced, we forget what God’s done for us in our past – leaving us vulnerable to not expect Him to work in our present.

The danger here is that we can fall out of touch with who God really is. Whether we remember or we forget the things of the past does not change the fact that they actually happened – that God truly showed His character as faithful, or trustworthy, or gracious. But if we forget, it can feel as though it never happened, leaving us needing to re-learn that side of God’s character again.

Friend, He is faithful to run us back through the lesson plan, if needed. But what I want to charge you and I with is this: Let’s practice remembrance. This song helped stoke the flame of those memories. It brought them back to life. And those memories brought with them a renewed sense of who I already know God to be – a faithful God who still today walks in power and authority.


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