Capacity to Learn

I’m currently reading a book titled, How to Read a Book. It’s kind of funny being taught to read through the act of reading. I’ve always said that aside from telekinesis, insane reading comprehension would be my preferred superpower. The reality is, I’m just not that good of a reader yet.

I’m prone to doze off and read the same page four times and still walk away slightly confused as to what the author is communicating. I see the advantages to being a good reader. The knowledge and experience at your fingertips is quite literally unending. There is wisdom and testimony everywhere in the written word.

It hit me the other day, maybe I don’t have a photographic memory, but it is within my capacity to become a better reader. The only thing that standing in my way is the time it takes and the discipline necessary to actually sit down and practice.

On my nightstand, I have a solved Rubik’s Cube. I will occasionally jumble it up and solve it for two reasons. First, because it’s fun. Secondly, as a reminder to myself that I can learn new things. The cube’s main purpose for me is to function as a symbol. It’s something that I used to not know how to do, but given 90 seconds I can replace the chaos of competing colors back into their intended order.

Do you have a symbol like this in your life? Maybe it’s not physically on your nightstand, but what comes to mind when you consider a testimony of your capacity to learn? See, we were made to continue, to grow, and to create. Our minds are constantly being molded and shaped. Neurons are synaptically firing and are able to create new connections, resulting in learned ways of functioning. This is literally how we are wired – with the ability to learn.

There’s a charge in 2 John to love one another. John says, “And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments” (2 John 6). And later, “Whoever abides in the teaching (of Jesus) has both the Father and the Son” (2 John 9b).

There is a way of living that brings about true life. It’s different than the world’s way. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). The last reference, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, (Proverbs 9:10a).

So, where’s the rub? We were made to learn and there is a learned way of life that leads to the intended way to live. This is found in the knowing of God. God is revealed in His Word, the Bible. He is not a God that conceals Himself. Friend, it’s His desire that you would know Him and live the way He intended you to – in full relationship with Him.

I’m learning to read books better by reading a book called How to Read a Book. There is an intended way to live our lives and it’s found in and fully revealed by the Book that gives life –the inspired Word of God. Maybe you don’t know Him yet, that’s OK. Or maybe, it’s been a little time since you’ve experienced the Lord, or maybe you find yourself in deep relationship with Him presently. The answer remains the same for all. Spend time in His Word. If you don’t know where to start, flip to the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament and read it through. The story of the life of Jesus, there’s no better place to begin and continue our learning.


Now More Than Ever


Be Still and Know