Now More Than Ever

Now more than ever. What’s this phrase sound like to you? It’s one of desperation, someone filled with dependency. It speaks of a situation maybe even of dire straits. If we were to input these words into our daily walk with the Lord, it would change everything.

We can’t muster up feelings we don’t have, so it’s important for us to have a semblance of understanding there’s not a day that goes by where we don’t desperately need the Lord. Why? We were born into a world that’s ruled by sinful nature. This nature is not just around us, it’s also inside of us. That sin separates us from a right relationship with God. It’s for this reason Jesus came.

His death and resurrection, for those who believe in Him, function as a propitiation – a substitute – for what our sin is owed. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). That death Jesus took on our behalf and gave instead, as a substituted, abundant life (John 10:10).

God didn’t save us only to give us life or to simply be made right in His sight, He saved us so that we would begin to live as intended. This is the process of sanctification – becoming like Jesus, perfect as He is. Paul’s words in his letter to the Philippians give light to this journey.

He says, “I don’t mean to say that I have … already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me” (Philippians 3:12).

Paul is aware that he’s not living in perfection just yet, but he’s on his way – he’s practicing towards it with Jesus. Friend, your need for Jesus is just as imperative today as it was when you first believed. God is after a heart that’s pointed to Him and we need Him every day in order for this to become a reality.

What if you woke up every morning and the first thing you said was, “God, I need you today now more than ever.” How would your outlook change? To, with your first waking moment, recognize your need for the Lord. The beauty is this, the more we experience Jesus the more we recognize our continual need for Him.

Jesus describes who He is and what He came to bring as “living water” (John 4:14). What Jesus is not saying is that after just one experience with Him you’ll never need Him again. Rather, He’s saying He will provide for all your needs as you remain with Him. Abiding in Him, we will have all we need.

And it’s not because our need for God is any greater today than it was yesterday, but it’s because our awareness of our need for God is greater today than it was yesterday. Our need for Him has always been constant. Part of our sanctification process is an ever-increasing understanding of just how much we need Him.

Do we need him now more than ever? No, we’ve always needed Him. But do I understand my need for Him a little more today than I did yesterday, I sure hope so. Therefore, in a sense, I’m maturing when I’m continually recognizing a deeper need for Christ – the depths of which I won’t fully arrive to until seeing Him face-to-face.

What’s come up for you in the past four minutes? Are you living in a way that’s reminding you of your daily need for God, or does He routinely feel like an unnecessary addition to your day? Friend, I want to encourage you to be really honest with yourself here. It’s in our nature to fluctuate between those two options. Practice asking the Lord in prayer for a deeper understanding of your need for Him. Then observe how you answer the question regarding your need. The resonating response of “now more than ever” – there’s no greater place to be.


Fixate the Positive


Capacity to Learn